Computing a Linear Model#

In this tutorial we calculate a linear model using Ridge regression. If you are never worked with metatensor objects before please take a look at the documentation.

For constructing a linear Model we need the atomic descriptor as training data X as well as the energies and forces as target data y.

We first import all necessary packages.

import metatensor
import numpy as np
from rascaline import SoapPowerSpectrum

from equisolve.numpy.models.linear_model import Ridge
from equisolve.utils.convert import ase_to_tensormap


As data set we use the SHIFTML set. You can obtain the dataset used in this example from our website. We read the first 20 structures of the data set using ASE.

frames ="", ":20")

The data set contains everything we need for the model: The atomic positions we use for the descriptor and with this as training data. The data set also stores the energies and forces which will be our target data we regress against.

Training data#

We construct the descriptor training data with a SOAP powerspectrum using rascaline. We first define the hyper parameters for the calculation

    "cutoff": 5.0,
    "max_radial": 6,
    "max_angular": 4,
    "atomic_gaussian_width": 0.3,
    "center_atom_weight": 1.0,
    "radial_basis": {
        "Gto": {},
    "cutoff_function": {
        "ShiftedCosine": {"width": 0.5},

calculator = SoapPowerSpectrum(**HYPER_PARAMETERS)

And then run the actual calculation, including gradients with respect to positions.

descriptor = calculator.compute(frames, gradients=["positions"])

For more details on how the descriptor works see the documentation of rascaline.

We now move all keys into properties to access them for our model.

descriptor = descriptor.keys_to_samples("species_center")
descriptor = descriptor.keys_to_properties(["species_neighbor_1", "species_neighbor_2"])

The descriptor contains a represenantion with respect to each central atoms per structure. However, our energies as target data is per structure only. Therefore, we sum the properties of each center atom per structure.

X = metatensor.sum_over_samples(descriptor, ["center", "species_center"])

The newly defined metatensor.TensorMap contains a single block

print(f"X contains {len(X.blocks())} block.")
X contains 1 block.

As well as 1800 properties and 20 sample.

We acces the data using the :meth:metatensor.TensorMap.block method

print(f"X contains {len(X[0].properties)} properties.")
print(f"X contains {len(X[0].samples)} samples.")

# Target data
# -----------
# We construct the target data by converting energies and forces into a
# :class:`equisolve.TensorMap`.

y = ase_to_tensormap(frames, energy="energy", forces="forces")
X contains 1800 properties.
X contains 20 samples.

The target data y contains a single block

    samples (20): ['structure']
    components (): []
    properties (1): ['property']
    gradients: ['positions']

Construct the model#

We first initilize the equisolve.numpy.models.linear_model.Ridge object. We automically learn on forces if forces are present.

clf = Ridge()

Before we fit a model we have to define our regulerizer values.

For this we create a TensorMap containing the desired regulerizer values. Here we chose a regulerizer strength of \(1 \cdot 10^-5\). Note that without standardizing the features and values the regulerizer strength depends on the system and has to be taken carefully and usually optimized.

So far alpha contains the same number of samples as X. However, the regulerizer must only contain a single sample, because all samples will be regulerized in the same way in a linear model.

We remove all sample except the 0th one by using the metatensor.slice().

samples = metatensor.Labels(

alpha = metatensor.slice(alpha, axis="samples", labels=samples)

TensorMap with 1 blocks
keys: _

In our regulerizer we use the same values for all properties. However, equisolve.numpy.models.linear_model.Ridge can also handle different regularization for each property. You can apply a property wise regularization by setting "values" of alpha with an 1d array of the same length as the number of properties in the training data X (here 7200).

Next we create a sample weighting equistiore.TensorMap that weights energies five times more then the forces.

The function equisolve.utils.dictionary_to_tensormap create a metatensor.TensorMap with the same shape as our target data y but with values a defined by sw_dict.

    samples (20): ['structure']
    components (): []
    properties (1): ['property']
    gradients: ['positions']

Finally, we can fit the model using the regulerizer and sample weights as defined above., y, alpha=alpha, sample_weight=sw)

We now predict values and calculate the root mean squre error of our model using the score method.

print(f"RMSE energies = {clf.score(X, y, parameter_key='values')[0]:.3f} eV")
print(f"RMSE forces = {clf.score(X, y, parameter_key='positions')[0]:.3f} eV/Å")
RMSE energies = 0.105 eV
RMSE forces = 0.209 eV/Å

If you only want to predict values you can use the equisolve.numpy.models.linear_model.Ridge.predict() method.

TensorMap with 1 blocks
keys: _

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